Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 is here!

We are on to new things in 2013.

David is still working for the State. He loves his job, but hates the commute.

The boys have been sick this past week and David has been at work. No one has come by to help out. If someone came by it was because they wanted to bitch or because they wanted something. I am not going to ask for help. It would be nice if someone came over and said, "Leslie go take a bath. i got the kids!" My friends and in-laws say they will do this, but never follow through. We moved 2 hours away from his job because people said they were going to miss the boys and would help me out.

I told all friends and family about 15 days ago, that I would need help with the boys during Ryan's winter break and no one has come over. It is real sad.

The question is when do we move closer to David's job?

Liam is 2yo and weighs 29 pounds. He is 31.5 inches tall. He loves to climb and destroy things. He likes to help cook and do laundry. Liam will probably be out of ECI soon. He has a speech evaluation on the 11th to see where he is at. Liam likes to throw toys and test limits.

Ryan is 5yo and loves school on most days. He is not having anything to do with potty training. He is 47 pounds and 3ft. 8inches tall. Ryan is smart and is copying language every day. He is learning to play with others. He is fighting with his brother, mainly pushing and hitting. Ryan would sit on the couch and play on the iPad all day if I let him.

Ryan is going full day to his PPCD class. He is fighting their strict schedule. I guess having easy going parents with no schedule doesn't help. It is hard to develop a schedule when you haven't had one for years. Ryan has been sick 2 times this school year already. The ped is going to check his blood for some answers, we have to wait until he is well though. Ugh!

One of my best friends is moving out of state with her new family and friends in a few months. I wish her lots of luck. I need to get my will done soon because she will be the boys guardian if something happens to David and I.

I am doing okay. I am sick and have a bad cough. My teeth seem to hurt a lot. I have no money and no insurance. I am upset and depressed that no one comes and visits me and the boys. It makes me re-evaluate my friendship with them.

2013 -
I want to move.
I want to lose 100 pounds.
I want Liam and Ryan potty trained.
I want to have a strong and loving marriage with David.
I want Ryan to eat different foods that he hasn't had before.
I want to learn how to live by a schedule.

1 comment:

  1. hi leslie and david. you should move closer to work if you can. what sort of work does david do at work? my camera is at with user david no pw
    hope it works
